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No download capabilities have been set up for this dataset yet, but you are welcome to send email to Wayne Rindone if you wish to download this dataset and it will be set up for that.

List of available measure details for EDS No 23

Measure Description More Info
15wtBOT Galactose BOT here
15wtCAT Galactose CAT here
15wtCH1B Galactose CH1B here
15wtCH1D Galactose CH1D here
15wtCH1I Galactose CH1I here
15wtCH2B Galactose CH2B here
15wtCH2BN Galactose CH2BN here
15wtCH2D Galactose CH2D here
15wtCH2DN Galactose CH2DN here
15wtCH2I Galactose CH2I here
15wtCH2IN Galactose CH2IN here
15wtCORR Galactose CORR here
15wtDESC Galactose DESC here
15wtEXP Galactose EXP here
15wtFLAG Galactose FLAG here
15wtLEFT Galactose LEFT here
15wtLINK Galactose LINK here
15wtPCOL Galactose PCOL here
15wtPLAT Galactose PLAT here
15wtPROW Galactose PROW here
15wtRAT1 Galactose RAT1 here
15wtRAT1N Galactose RAT1N here
15wtRAT2 Galactose RAT2 here
15wtRAT2N Galactose RAT2N here
15wtREGR Galactose REGR here
15wtRIGHT Galactose RIGHT here
15wtSPOT Galactose SPOT here
15wtTOP Galactose TOP here
15wtTYPE Galactose TYPE here

Please contact Wayne Rindone for more information, or with any questions, comments, or concerns.

Copyright (c) 2006 by Wayne Rindone and the President and Fellows of Harvard University