xr2or converter version 2.0.1 2005-11-29 COMPILING FOR VISUAL STUDIO VERSION 6 ------------------------------------- 1. Unpack the file xr2or-src-X.X.X-YYYYMMDD.zip lets call the path where it was unpacked INSTALATION_SRC_DIR For this example we assume that: INSTALATION_SRC_DIR = C:\dev When you unpack everything will be in C:\dev\xr2or-X.X.X-YYYYMMDD 2. BEFORE opening Visual Studio you have to have perl installed perl can be downloaded from http://www.activestate.com/Products/ActivePerl/ After you install perl set the PERL environment variable to point to their executable respectively. For example (if using perl from cygwin) set PERL to C:\cygwin\bin\bison.exe 2. Open workspace xr2or.dsw found in INSTALATION_SRC_DIR/xr2or-X.X.X-YYYYMMDD 3. Select the xr2or project as active and choose from the Build/SetActiveConfiguration the Release configuration as active otherwise the Debug configuration would be the default 4. Build the xr2or project INSTALLING FOR WIN32 -------------------- 1. Copy (a) xr2or.exe from the bin directory, (b) libregex.dll from the bin directory and (c) .xr2orrc to a directory that is in your PATH environment variable (if you want to call the xr2or.exe from any working directory) 2. Set up the two properties in .xr2orrc that xr2or uses to point to the correct paths i.e. XRAW_DATA_PATH and RAW_DATA_PATH 3. Put xr2or.exe and .xr2orrc in a path that is included in your PATH environment variable if you want to call it from any location. 4. WARNING: xr2or will only convert the XCalibur files that are compatible with the current version of XCalibur installed on the machine. For questions e-mail mapquant-support@genetics.med.harvard.edu or Go to http://arep.med.harvard.edu/OpenRaw