Recent PGP-relevant Ethical, Legal, Social Issues (ELSI) news:


10-Aug-2006 US Government Accountability Office (GAO) slams nutrigenomic tests  

21-Nov-2006 PGP ELSI team comments on the NIH-GWAS

12-Dec-2006 PGP ELSI white paper on informed consent (Apr-2007; original Aug-2006).

26-Dec-2006 Spread of Records Stirs Patient Fears of Privacy Erosion(WSJ)

2-Apr-2007 In DNA age, genealogy is anything but a staid hobby Amy Harmon.

ELSI Resources:

Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues of the International Genetic Epidemiology Society

Genomics and Personalized Medicine Act of 2006 [S.3822, Obama, D-IL]

Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA) of 2007 [H.R.493, Slaughter, Biggert, Eshoo, Walden, passed 420-3, 25-Apr] , [S.358, Snowe, Kennedy, Enzi, Dodd] ; 2005 [HR1227, Biggert, R-IL] , [ S. 306, Snowe, R-ME] ; 2003 [H.R.1910, Slaughter, D-NY], [S.1053, Snowe, R-ME]

Coalition for Genetic Fairness

Harvard Ethics Training in Human Research Certificates: George Church 16-Jan-07

·  Misha Angrist   (Science Editor, Duke Institute for Genome Sciences & Policy, IGSP).

·  Dan Brock  (Harvard Program in Ethics & Health)

·  Michael Burgess  (UBC)

·  Timothy Caufield  (Alberta)

·  Ruth Chadwick (CESAGen, Cardiff Univ.)

·  Mildred Cho  (Stanford)

·  Robert Cook-Deegan  (Director, Duke Center for Genome Ethics, Law, & Policy).

·  Lisa Geller (WilmerHale IP Dept).

·  Eric Juengst &  (CWRU Center for Biomedical Ethics)

·  Jeantine Lunshof (EMGO Institute, Amsterdam)

·  Loren Lomasky  (Virginia)

·  Amy McGuire  (Baylor)

·  Paul Rabinow (UC Berkeley)

·  John Robertson (Univ of Texas School of Law)
·  Peter Singer  (U Toronto Joint Centre for Bioethics)

·  Daniel Vorhaus (Harvard Law)  

·  Laurie Zoloth  (Director, Bioethics, Center for Genetic Medicine, Northwestern Univ)