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WebMD Sponsors [Overview] 041201

WebMD Health -- Our Sponsors
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The WebMD Sponsors channel has been created for the purpose of providing an information area for WebMD's strategic Sponsors. The following overview details our editorial policy for delivering Sponsor content into our site:

A vast amount of valuable health information is available from many sources, including medical associations, colleges, societies, government agencies, publishers, private and nonprofit organizations, and for-profit corporations. WebMD develops strong relationships with leading healthcare information providers to deliver the most comprehensive, credible, reliable, and relevant medical information.

WebMD has developed a Sponsor area for health information that does not originate from the WebMD National News Center. Sponsor content and information will be delivered to appropriate and visibly-identified areas throughout WebMD. WebMD believes that the information provided by its Sponsors is of benefit to our users and is of the highest quality, providing unique insight into the Sponsor's area of medical expertise.

WebMD Sponsors information has been created with both a commercial purpose and a goodwill intent to the public. All Sponsor content on WebMD is well-defined and documented and displayed in a highly visible fashion so that a WebMD user should not confuse Sponsor content with WebMD editorial information and daily news. Furthermore, WebMD users will know that content has originated from a Sponsor before they access such content.

WebMD Sponsors agree that their information has been reviewed for accuracy by medical professionals, is kept up-to-date with mandatory periodic reviews, and is delivered to WebMD on a timely basis.

WebMD makes every effort to clearly date and attribute content to its original source and review date.

Click here for more information about WebMD's News Credo of Editorial Independence, Advertising Policy, Content Policy, and Advisory Board.

Information about WebMD's Sponsor: Eli Lilly and Company (Lilly products treat depression, schizophrenia, diabetes, cancer, osteoporosis and many other diseases)

Information about WebMD's Sponsor: Mead Johnson Nutritionals (makers of Enfamil and other nutritional products)

Information about WebMD's Sponsor: Medtronic
The commercial purpose of Medtronic's sponsorship is to sell medical device therapy solutions for patients suffering from chronic cardiovascular, neurological, spinal and ear nose and throat diseases. By providing expertise in medical device therapies, Medtronic intends to build trust and demonstrate their longstanding commitment to providing life long healthcare solutions with WebMD users (click here for information about Medtronic, its vision and mission).

Information about WebMD's Sponsor: DNA Sciences
The commercial purpose of DNA Sciences' sponsorship is to build DNA Sciences Brand as the preferred provider of genetic-based information to consumers and physicians and to attract more people to its genetic research project known as The Gene Trust. By providing expertise in genetics and genomics-related content, DNA Sciences intends to build trust and demonstrate their longlasting commitment to quality healthcare with WebMD users (click here for information about DNA Sciences, its vision and mission).

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