#!/usr/bin/perl print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; $ip_address1 = '134\.174\.168'; $ip_address2 = '134\.174\.160'; $ip_address3 = '134\.174\.161'; $remote_address = $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'}; if (($remote_address =~ /^$ip_address1/) || ($remote_address =~ /^$ip_address2/) || ($remote_address =~ /^$ip_address3/)) { print <Putting In Orders To Genetics

Enterings Purchase Requisitions Into Genetics Office
FileMaker Pro 5 Database

  1. Open existing file and click on Hosts. Make sure Local Hosts is selected on the bottom, and open MainFY01.fp5.
  2. Enter password for read/write access (Eva-Marie Hylen or Cindy Reyes).
  3. Purchase_RequistionsFY01.fp5 will be the top-most window. Hit Apple-F: Mac, Control-F: PC to go into Find mode and select the correct PI (ie., Church) from the lab drop-down menu. Hit Return and go to the last found record (ie., the most recent).
  4. If requisition has been closed (fields are green or red):
    • Hit Apple-N:Mac, Control-F:PC for New Record to create a new requisition. Fill in Lab, select item from Description (if not in list, see below), fill in orderer's name in Req's field, and fill in Grant name.
  5. If requisition is still open (fields are white, not green or red):
    • Click on the next blank Description field and select item from pop-up inventory list.
      If it's not there, hit the New Item button and you will be switched to ProductsFY01.fp5 with a new product record. Select company from Vendor Name, PO Type is Standard, enter Catalog No., enter units in Size, and description of product in Notes. When done, hit the Add Item to PR button and you will be returned to Purchase_RequistionsFY01.fp5.
  6. For specific ordering instructions, go to the Notes field and write company and person followed by notes. (eg., VWR Scientific (F. Lam) - please rush Fed Ex).
  7. At 2 pm, hit Submit Req button.
Back to Lam ORDER } else { print <Ordering Webpage

Sorry! Access restricted to people within the Church Lab.

But please visit the lab webpage! DENY }