#!/usr/local/bin/perl # ShowGraphic: format web page containing time warp graphic and appropriate # title and notes. # # Copyright (c) 2000 by John Aach and the President and Fellows of Harvard University # created: 09/12/2000-09/15/2000 by John Aach # modified: 02/05/2001 by John Aach - add hotlink to postscript file use CGIget; CGIget->Get(); if ($CGI{pgm} eq "genewarpi") { $type="interpolative"; } elsif ($CGI{pgm} eq "genewarp") { $type="simple (non-interpolative)"; } else { $type="undocumented"; } if ($CGI{note1} ne "") { $note1="
  • $CGI{note1}"; } if ($CGI{note2} ne "") { $note2="
  • $CGI{note2}"; } if ($CGI{opt} ne "") { $opt = " ($CGI{opt})"; } if ($CGI{msg} ne "") { $msg = "
  • Click here " . "for $CGI{pgm} messages (includes optimal path and score)."; } # 02/05/2001 code - assume postscript file is same as gif file except that # it ends in ".ps" instead of ".gif" $ps = $CGI{gif}; $ps=~s/\.gif$/\.ps/; print <<_ENDHTML Content-type: text/html $CGI{clus}:$CGI{s1} vs. $CGI{clus}:$CGI{s2} $CGI{pgm} alignment$opt

    $CGI{clus}:$CGI{s1} vs. $CGI{clus}:$CGI{s2} $CGI{pgm} alignment$opt




    What is $CGI{s1}? What is $CGI{s2}? What is $CGI{clus}?