genewarp: Aligns two gene expression time series (simple time warping). program version = 1.0 (20000814-14:21:15) Supported parameters: -D (write algorithm data?) If not supplied, algorithm data not written to "-d" data file, suppressing the ability to generate graphics for the alignment. syntax: -D (boolean switch); Not required; Default = on. -a (algorithm) Algorithm employed for time alignment. "1" = time weights applied to right endpoint distances of aligned consecutive time point pairs. "2" = time weights applied to averages of distances of left and right endpoints. syntax: -a pos-integer; Not required; Default = 2. -d (output data file) File used to pass data to graphics generation system. Default is output message file name + ".data" if not provided. Suppressed by "-~D" parameter. syntax: -d string; Not required; No default. -i1 (input file name 1) First of two time series files being synchronized. Time series file format is: >N|seriesname| description\n time-1 time-2 .... time-k\n genename-1 \t data-1 data-2 .... data-k\n ... ... ... ... genename-m \t data-1 data-2 .... data-k\n Times must be in order. syntax: -i1 string; Required; No default. -i2 (input file name 2) Second of two time series files being synchronized. Must contain same gene names as in "-i1" file. syntax: -i2 string; Required; No default. -np (max number optimal paths) Maximum number of optimal time alignments that will be reported. syntax: -np pos-integer; Not required; Default = 10. -o (output file name) Output message file; STDOUT if not specified. syntax: -o string; Required; No default. -p (parameter file name) Allows parameters to be provided in file. syntax: -p string; Not required; No default. -f... (feature weight for ...) Weight applied to specified feature in algorithm distance calculations. Name specified by ... must match feature name in input files ("-i1" and "-i2"). syntax: -f... non-negative number; Not required; Default = 1.0.