Table of Contents
Bio 101: Genomics & Computational Biology
Net1: Last week's take home lessons
Net2: Today's story & goals Bio101 28-Nov-2000
Algorithm Running Time
Algorithm Complexity
How to deal with NP-complete and NP-hard Problems
What can biology do for difficult computation problems
Net2: Today's story & goals Bio101 28-Nov-2000
Electronic, optical & molecular nano-computing
Optical nano-computing & self-assembly
Molecular nano-computing
DNA computing: Is there a Hamiltonian path through all nodes?
DNA Computing for st-Hamiltonian Path
Encode Graph into DNA Sequences
Create All st-Paths
DNA Computing Process
Molecular computation: RNA solutions to chess problems.
Problems of DNA Computing
Promises of DNA Computing
A sticker-based model for DNA computation.
DNA Computing for 3SAT
DNA computing on surfaces
Net2: Today's story & goals Bio101 28-Nov-2000
Logical computation using algorithmic self-assembly of DNA triple-crossover molecules.
Nanoarray microscopy readout(vs gel assays)
Micro-ElectroMechanical Systems (MEMS)
Nano-ElectroMechanical Systems (NEMS)
poly(dA)100 & poly(dC)100 at 15°C
Net2: Today's story & goals Bio101 28-Nov-2000
A synthetic oscillatory network of transcriptional regulators
Synthetic oscillator network
Synthetic oscillator network
Internal state sensors
Net2: Today's story & goals Bio101 28-Nov-2000
Genetic Algorithms (GA)
Genetic Operations
SAGA: Sequence Alignment by Genetic Algorithm
SAGA continues
Comparison of ClustalW & SAGA
Net2: Today's story & goals Bio101 28-Nov-2000
Artificial Neural Networks
Neural Networks
An ORF Classification Example
Measuring Exons
Linear Discriminate Function and Single Layer Neural Network
Activation Function
Determining Edge Weights from Training Sets
Non-linear Discrimination
The Multi-Layer Perceptron
Net2: Today's story & goals Bio101 20-Nov-2000