Information Item | Value |
Dataset Name | Der_yap: YAP1 overexpression data |
Dataset Number | 17 |
Short Description | expression levels as affected by overexpression of DNA-binding transcription factor YAP1 |
Source URL | |
Reference | Exploring the Metabolic and Genetic Control of Gene Expression on a Genomic Scale, Joseph L. DeRisi, Vishwanath R. Iyer, and Patrick O. Brown, Science 1997 October 24; 278: 680-686 |
Strains | Abstract does not indicate. |
Conditions | Wild Type strain carrying a plasmid that expresses YAP1 in YPD, full genotype not provided |
Date Added to ExpressDB | Feb 10 1999 11:45:15:713AM |
Number of Measures on ExpressDB | 16 (here to download dataset and view measure details) |
Long Description | Article abstract - DNA microarrays containing virtually every gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae were used to carry out a comprehensive investigation of the temporal program of gene expression accompanying the metabolic shift from fermentation to respiration. The expression profiles observed for genes with known metabolic functions pointed to features of the metabolic reprogramming that occur during the diauxic shift, and the expression patterns of many previously uncharacterized genes provided clues to their possible functions. The same DNA microarrays were also used to identify genes whose expression was affected by deletion of the transcriptional co-repressor TUP1 or overexpression of the transcriptional activator YAP1. These results demonstrate the feasibility and utility of this approach to genomewide exploration of gene expression patterns. |
Please contact Wayne Rindone for more information, or with any questions, comments, or concerns.
Copyright (c) 2006 by Wayne Rindone and the President and Fellows of Harvard University