Expression Data Set 38 details

Information Item Value
Dataset Name Rosetta: Multiple MAPK Pathways
Dataset Number 38
Short Description intensities, ratios, and P values for 56 series involving both wild type and MAPK pathway mutations
Source URL
Reference Christopher J. Roberts, Bryce Nelson, Matthew J. Marton, et al(2000)
Signaling and Circuitry of Multiple
MAPK Pathways Revealed by a Matrix of Global Gene Expression Profiles, Science 287: 873-880
Strains All yeast strains were based on the S288c genetic background and
were derived from BY4741 (MATa ura3delta0 leu2delta0 his3delta1 met15delta0)
or BY4742 (MATalpha ura3delta0 leu2delta0 his3delta1 lys2delta0)
Conditions Detailed protocols for cultures grown in YPD or SC medium are
provided in footnote 10 of this paper
Date Added to ExpressDB May 4 2000 11:12:50:920AM
Number of Measures on ExpressDB 168 (here to download dataset and view measure details)
Long Description Genome-wide transcript profiling was used to monitor signal transduction during
yeast pheromone response. Genetic manipulations allowed analysis of changes in
gene expression underlying pheromone signaling, cell cycle control, and polarized
morphogenesis. A two-dimensional hierarchical clustered matrix, covering 383 of
the most highly regulated genes, was constructed from 46 diverse experimental
conditions. Diagnostic subsets of coexpressed genes reflected signaling activity, cross
talk, and overlap of multiple MAPK pathways. Analysis of the profiles specified by
two different MAPKs, Fus3p and Kss1p, revealed functional overlap of the
filamentous growth and mating responses. Global transcript analysis reflects
biological responses associated with the activation and perturbation of signal
transduction pathways.

Full reference is: Christopher J. Roberts, Bryce Nelson, Matthew J. Marton, Roland Stoughton,
Michael R. Meyer, Holly A. Bennett, Yudong He, Hongyue Dai, Wynn L. Walker, Timothy R.
Hughes, Mike Tyers, Charles Boone, and Stephen H. Friend (2000) Signaling and Circuitry of
Multiple MAPK Pathways Revealed by a Matrix of Global Gene Expression Profiles, Science 287: 873-880

Notes on Greek letters in Measure Names:

The EXCEL spreadsheet the authors provided for this data series included many cases of Delta
and alpha in its column headings. When the information was dumped into a tab delimited file
to be loaded into this database, EXCEL represented each Delta with a 'D' and each alpha with
an 'a'. Every 'D' given in strain genotype symbols in these names is really an uppercase
Delta, for example, 'bni1D' is actually 'bni1Delta'.
Many of the 'a' characters in the measure names are actually alpha characters. In every case
where'aF' is given, it is actually alphaF. Other uses of 'a', including 'a-Factor' and 'MATa'
really are the letter 'a' and not a replacement for 'alpha'

Please contact Wayne Rindone for more information, or with any questions, comments, or concerns.

Copyright (c) 2006 by Wayne Rindone and the President and Fellows of Harvard University