# EXDDisplayEDS: This program is invoked from the 'Welcome to the ExpressDB' page
# by hotlinks in the table giving brief descriptions of each EDS.
# It does a select on the detail EDS information and presents it.
# Copyright (c) 1998, 1999 by John Aach and the President and Fellows of Harvard University
# Created 12/04/98-12/09/98 by John Aach
# modified: 12/15/98 to show DisplayLevel
# modified: 01/05/98 to use $DIRECTORY global variable in HREFs and ACTIONs.
# modified: 01/07/99: use HTMLString on displayed data
# modified: 02/15/99: show PrivateInd
# modified: 03/11/99: show LastModUserid and LastModReason
$MODULE = "EXDDisplayEDS";
use Sybase::DBlib;
$FAIL = 0;
use FileHandle;
autoflush STDOUT 1; # Set up STDOUT for autoflush
use EXDutilities;
use EXDGetSession;
# Get variables into %CGI hash. EDSNo has the record for which we must
# select details.
# Put out header. As part of this, write out an EDSNo cookie just in case
# the user decides to select this dataset by means of the hotlink on
# the Number of Measures.
print <<_HTML0
Content-type: text/html
ExpressDB Yeast Expression Dataset Description
print "\n";
print "";
# Get Sybase session
$dbh = EXDGetSession->Get("ExpressDBGuest","ExpressDBGuest", "ExpressDB");
# Do a select on the EDS record to get detail data: this is returned in the %eds hash.
# set up some variables for the page being sent
$lastmoddate = $eds{LastModDate};
if ($lastmoddate eq "") {
$lastmoddate = "NONE";
$shortdescrip = EXDutilities->HTMLString($eds{ShortDescrip}); # 01/07/99
if ($shortdescrip eq "") {
$shortdescrip = "NONE";
$longdescrip = EXDutilities->HTMLString($eds{LongDescrip}); # 01/07/99
if ($longdescrip eq "") {
$longdescrip = "NONE";
$reference = EXDutilities->HTMLString($eds{Reference}); # 01/07/99
if ($reference eq "") {
$reference = "NONE";
$strain = EXDutilities->HTMLString($eds{Strain}); # 01/07/99
if ($strain eq "") {
$strain = "NONE";
$conditions = EXDutilities->HTMLString($eds{Conditions}); # 01/07/99
if ($conditions eq "") {
$conditions = "NONE";
if ($eds{URL} ne "") {
$url = "$eds{URL}";
else {
$url = "NONE";
if ($eds{DisplayLevel} == 1) { # 12/15/98
$displaylevelmsg = "(always include in selection lists)";
elsif ($eds{DisplayLevel} == 2) {
$displaylevelmsg = "(include in unabridged selection lists)";
else {
$displaylevelmsg = "";
$meascount = GetMeasureCount($dbh,$CGI{EDSNo});
if ($eds{PrivateInd} == 0) { # 02/15/99
$securitystatus = "public"; # 02/15/99
} # 02/15/99
else { # 02/15/99
$securitystatus = "private"; # 02/15/99
} # 02/15/99
if ($eds{LastModUserid} ne "") { # 03/11/99
$lastmoduser = $eds{LastModUserid}; # 03/11/99
} # 03/11/99
else { # 03/11/99
$lastmoduser = "NONE"; # 03/11/99
} # 03/11/99
if ($eds{LastModReason} ne "") { # 03/11/99
$lastmodreason = EXDutilities->HTMLString($eds{LastModReason}); # 03/11/99
} # 03/11/99
else { # 03/11/99
$lastmodreason = "NONE"; # 03/11/99
} # 03/11/99
print <<_HTML1
Expression Data Set details
Information Item |
Value |
Dataset Name |
$eds{EDSName} |
Dataset Number |
$eds{EDSNo} |
Short Description |
$shortdescrip |
Source URL |
$url |
Reference |
$reference |
Strains |
$strain |
Conditions |
$conditions |
Date Entered on ExpressDB |
$eds{DateEntered} |
Last date modified on EDS |
$lastmoddate |
Last modification userid |
$lastmoduser |
Last modification reason |
$lastmodreason |
Number of Measures on ExpressDB |
$meascount (here to select dataset and view measure details) |
Long Description |
$longdescrip |
Display Level |
$eds{DisplayLevel} $displaylevelmsg |
Data Security Status |
$securitystatus |
sub GetEDSDetails {
my $dbh=$_[0];
my $edsno = $_[1];
my $eds_ref = $_[2];
my $sqlcmd;
my @data;
my $status;
my $colname;
$sqlcmd = "select * from EDS where EDSNo = $edsno and IsDeletedInd = 0";
$status = $dbh->dbcmd($sqlcmd);
if ($status != $SUCCEED) {
EXDutilities->TakeExit("\nERROR: $MODULE->GetEDSDetails: Return code from dbcmd = $status\n");
$status = $dbh->dbsqlexec;
if ($status != $SUCCEED) {
EXDutilities->TakeExit("\nERROR: $MODULE->GetEDSDetails: Return code from dbsqlexec = $status\n");
$status = $dbh->dbresults;
if ($status != $SUCCEED) {
EXDutilities->TakeExit("\nERROR: $MODULE->GetEDSDetails: Return code from dbresults = $status\n");
$status = $dbh->DBROWS;
if ($status == $SUCCEED) {
while (@data = $dbh->dbnextrow) {
if (exists $eds{EDSNo}) { # Error if we go through this loop more than one time.
EXDutilities->TakeExit("\nERROR: $MODULE->GetEDSDetails: Multiple EDS records exist ".
"with EDSNo = $eds{EDSNo}.\n");
for ($i=0;$i<@data;++$i) {
$colname = $dbh->dbcolname($i+1);
$eds{$colname} = $data[$i];
else {
EXDutilities->TakeExit("\nERROR: $MODULE->GetEDSDetails: Return code from DBROWS = $status\n");
sub GetMeasureCount {
my $dbh=$_[0];
my $edsno = $_[1];
my $sqlcmd;
my @data;
my $status;
my $measure_count;
$sqlcmd = "select count(*) from Measure where EDSNo = $edsno and IsDeletedInd = 0 ";
$status = $dbh->dbcmd($sqlcmd);
if ($status != $SUCCEED) {
EXDutilities->TakeExit("\nERROR: $MODULE->GetMeasureCount: Return code from dbcmd = $status\n");
$status = $dbh->dbsqlexec;
if ($status != $SUCCEED) {
EXDutilities->TakeExit("\nERROR: $MODULE->GetMeasureCount: Return code from dbsqlexec = $status\n");
$status = $dbh->dbresults;
if ($status != $SUCCEED) {
EXDutilities->TakeExit("\nERROR: $MODULE->GetMeasureCount: Return code from dbresults = $status\n");
$status = $dbh->DBROWS;
if ($status == $SUCCEED) {
@data = $dbh->dbnextrow;
$measure_count = $data[0];
else {
EXDutilities->TakeExit("\nERROR: $MODULE->GetMeasureCount: Return code from DBROWS = $status\n");
if ($measure_count == "") {
$measure_count = 0;
return $measure_count;