Welcome to the ExpressDB collection of yeast RNA Expression Datasets

ExpressDB is a collection of yeast RNA expression datasets created at the Church Labs and at other laboratories prior to 2002.

The page link shown in the Downloads column for these data sets is a link to a page from which you can download data files and information files associated with that data set. The here links in the More Info column are links to pages that provide a lot more information about each data set, including citations and in some cases links to web pages provided by the citation authors

For historical information: general information about ExpressDB

Data Set Description Downloads More Info
Barak Cohen yap1 and yap2 knockouts with peroxide and cadmium added Summaries of multiple gene chip experiments, wt, yap1 and yap2 knockouts and combinations with various treatments page here
Butow study of genome wide responses to mitochondrial dysfunction Signed geometric means of log base 10 ratios of replicated microarray hybridizations page here
Cho: mitotic cell cycle 17 time points of expression data for synchronized yeast cells file here
Chu_spo: sporulation 7 times points of mRNA expression data for YSC328: 0.5, 2, 5, 6, 7, 9, and 11.5 hours. 3 time points for ndt80-deficient YSC328: 0, 2, and 6 hours. gal-ndt80 induced 3 hours prior to harvesting. file here
Der_diaux: diauxic shift data expression levels during metabolic shift from fermentation to respiration page here
Der_tup: tup1 deletion data expression levels as affected by deletion of transcriptional co-repressor TUP1 page here
Der_yap: YAP1 overexpression data expression levels as affected by overexpression of DNA-binding transcription factor YAP1 page here
Eis: Eisen clustering data expression levels 14 new conditions and data from sources DeRisi97-Chu98, Cho98, and Spellman98 file here
Genomic Expression Programs in Response to Environmental Changes Expression Time Series following treatment with a variety of stresses, including temperature shifts, osmolarity, esposure to peroxide, menadione, diamide, DTT, amino acid starvation, and nitrogen depletion. file here
Hol_gcn5_del: GCN5 deletion data expression levels as affected by deletion of GCN5 page here
Hol_kin28_ts: temperature sensitive KIN28 mutant data expression levels as affected by temp sensitive mutation of KIN28 page here
Hol_med6_ts: temperature sensitive MED6 mutant data expression levels as affected by temp sensitive mutation of MED6 file here
Hol_rpb1_ts: temperature sensitive RPB1 mutant data expression levels as affected by temp sensitive mutation of RPB1 (SGD name rpo21) page here
Hol_srb10_inact: SRB10 inactive mutation data expression levels as affected by catalytically inactive point mutation of SRB10 (SGD name ssn3) file here
Hol_srb4_ts: temperature sensitive SRB4 mutant data expression levels as affected by temp sensitive mutation of SRB4 page here
Hol_srb5_del: SRB5 deletion data expression levels as affected by deletion of SRB5 page here
Hol_swi2_inact: swi2 inactive mutation data expression levels as affected by catalytically inactive point mutation of swi2 (SGD name snf2) page here
Hol_taf145_ts: temperature sensitive TAF145 mutant data expression levels as affected by temp sensitive mutation of TAF145 page here
Hol_taf17_ts: temperature sensitive TAF17 mutant data expression levels as affected by temp sensitive mutation of TAF17 file here
Hol_tfa1_ts: temperature sensitive TFA1 mutant data expression levels as affected by temp sensitive mutation of TFA1 file here
Jelinsky study of RPN4 links Data showing coregulated DNA excision repair genes and protein degradation genes file here
Lopez and Baker study of gcr1 mutant Data showing which genes have significantly lower expression for gcr1 mutants when grown on glucose file here
Mar: Rosetta datasets 7 conditions (plus 4 repeats of wt, 1 of cna1cna2, 1 of his3) page here
Microarray Feature Names: Operon Oligos This is a listing of oligo locations on the chips produced in the Church lab. none here
Microarray Feature Names: Research Genetics Intergenic Regions This is a listing of names used for the Research Genetics intergenic names found on microarrays produced in the Church Lab so that a mapping to current SGD names and IDs can be made page here
Microarray Feature Names: Research Genetics ORF Regions This is a listing of names used for the Research Genetics ORF names found on microarrays produced in the Church Lab so that a mapping to current SGD names and IDs can be made page here
Mye_gal: MED2 mutant galactose array MED2 deletion strain effect when grown on galactose none here
Mye_heat: MED2 mutant heat shock array MED2 deletion strain effect in heat shock experiment none here
Rosetta Compendium data series corresponding to 300 diverse mutations and chemical treatments page here
Rosetta: Multiple MAPK Pathways intensities, ratios, and P values for 56 series involving both wild type and MAPK pathway mutations page here
Rot: Glu/Gal/Mating type/Heat absolute and relative expression levels for yeast cells grown in 4 conditions page here
SAGE transcript profiles from yeast grown on two different carbon sources SAGE analysis of wild type and mutant cells grown on oleate for comparison with SAGE analysis of cells grown on glucose none here
Spe_alpha: Spellman alpha factor arrest time series data 18 timepoints following removal of alpha factor added 120 minutes earlier none here
Spe_cdc15: Spellman cdc15 time series data 25 data series from 23 timepoints following arrest of cdc15 temperature sensitive mutant none here
Spe_clb2: Spellman Clb2 experiments CLB2 induction experiments none here
Spe_cln3: Spellman Cln3 experiments CLN3 induction experiments none here
Spe_elut: Spellman elutriation experiment time series data 14 timepoints following elutriation none here
Spe_summary: Spellman-processed summary of cell cycle series ratios data from approximately 60 timepoints, with series following alpha factor arrest, elutriation, and arrest of cdc15 temperature sensitive mutant page here
Spe_wtgal: Spellman galactose addition control experiment microarray measurements following addition of galactose none here
Vel: Log-phase + cell cycle arrested SAGE data SAGE expression analysis of yeast transcriptome for log phase yeast cells, G1/S arrested cells, and G2/M arrested cells. none here
Yeast A kinase TPK1 mutant data TPK1 expression profile from study of TPK1 (alternate name for YJL164C), TPK2 (alternate name for YPL203W), and TPK3 (YRL166C) mutants file here
Yeast A kinase TPK2 mutant data TPK2 expression profile from study of TPK1 (alternate name for YJL164C), TPK2 (alternate name for YPL203W), and TPK3 (YRL166C) mutants file here
Yeast A kinase TPK3 mutant data TPK3 expression profile from study of TPK1 (alternate name for YJL164C), TPK2 (alternate name for YPL203W), and TPK3 (YRL166C) mutants file here
Yeast Genome Expression Responses to Environmental Changes Expression Time Series following treatment with heat, acid, alkali, hydrogen peroxide, salt, sorbital, and during diauxic shift file here
mRNA Decay Study Data measuring the half-lives of each yeast mRNA after thermal inactivation of a temperature-sensitive RNA polymerase II. none here
snf/swi mutant expression analysis microarray analysis of knockout mutants of snf and swi, two components of the Snf/Swi complex page here

Please contact Wayne Rindone for more information, or with any questions, comments, or concerns.

Copyright (c) 2006 by Wayne Rindone and the President and Fellows of Harvard University