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George M. Church Laboratory

mRNA Abundance Data

The purpose of this page is to share the mRNA abundance data that our lab has generated

At present, this site contains only data collected  in the context of a recent article: 
Finding DNA Regulatory Motifs within Unaligned Non-Coding Sequences Clustered by Whole-Genome mRNA Quantitation, Roth, F.R., Hughes, J. D., Estep, P. E. & G.M. Church, Nature Biotechnology 1998 
Please cite this work when making reference to this data set. 

We measured mRNA abundance for four Saccharomyces cerevisiae cultures, using Affymetrix DNA microarrays.  One of these cultures was used as a 'baseline', to which the other three cultures were compared. 

The 'baseline' culture was a mating type a strain grown on glucose at 30 degrees C. 
The second culture was a mating type a strain grown on galactose at 30 degrees C. 
The third culture was a mating type alpha strain grown on glucose at 30 degrees C. 
The fourth culture was a mating type a strain grown on glucose at 30 degrees C before a 39 degree heat shock
Details can be found in the aforementioned article. 

An excel spreadsheet (4.0) containing this data can be found here.

Please direct any questions or comments to Jason Hughes or Fritz Roth
This page was last modified 3 Oct 98 by FR.