Click here to skip to Investors
The first date on each line indicates the year of company founding.
(In parentheses are the dates & focus of my involvement.) Founder = F.
Note funding sources on Internet Archive since April 1997 with commercial advisory roles noted since Aug 2004.
Note that end-dates labeled "present" have been occasionally missed during updating; see also Crunchbase. See also patent publications.
Genome Sequencing: (see also Next-generation (NGS) overview and current genome prices)
Complete Genomics [CGI/BGI/MGI], Sunnyvale CA 2006 (2006-2022; fluorescent NGS)
Danaher-Dover-Polonator Salem NH 2007 (2007-2012; fluorescent NGS instrument)
Redwood City CA 2010 (2010-present) label-free nanosensor array sequencing.
Genia Mountain View, CA (2011-2018; then Roche; nanopores)
IBM Yorktown Heights, NY 1911 (2009-2012; DNA Sequencing).
IntelligentBioSystems [IBS, Qiagen] Waltham MA 2006 (2006-2012; Sequencing by Polymerase on beads)
Ion Torrent Guilford, CT 2008 (2009-2013; then LifeTech then Thermo Fisher ; electronic sequencing)
LightSpeed Genomics Sunnyvale CA 2007 (2007-2010; high-speed DNA sequencing)
Lynx - Solexa - Illumina Hayward CA 1992; San Diego 1998 (2000-present; multiplex tags)
NABsys Providence, RI 2005 (2010-2015; SbH with nanopores)
Noblegen Biosciences Boston MA 2010 (2010-2014; optipore sequencing)
Roswell Biotechnologies San Diego CA 2016 (2016-present; Biomolecular sensors)
Xgenomes Cambridge MA 2014 (2014-present; Analytical optical instruments)
Clinical and Consumer Genomic Diagnostics:
4baseCare Karnataka India 2017 (2019-present; Cancer genomics)
Alacris Pharmaceuticals (Qiagen) Berlin 2008 (2008-present,F; Cancer genomics & systems biology)
Alveo Technologies Alameda CA 2018 (2019-present; Infectious disease diagnostics)
AOBiome Cambridge MA 2013 (2013-present; Skin Microbes)
ArcherDx [InVitae] Cambridge MA 2013 (2019-present; precision oncology)
Arivale Seattle, WA 2015 (2015-2019; Omics and wellness)
BetterHumans Florida 2011 (2011-present; aka Androcyte, 501(c)(3), Supercentenarians)
Clinomics Ulsan Korea 2015 (2015-present, precision medicine, omics big data)
CloudHealth Genomics Shanghai 2017 (2017-present; pan-omics)
Eugit Therapeutics Cambridge MA 2022 (2022-present,F; gamma-delta T-cells)
GPBio Shanghai 2017 (2017-present; DNA chip diagnostics)
Ecoeos San Francisco 2013 (2013-2016; Environmental chemicals and omics)
GenePeeks New York NY & Cambridge MA 2014 (2014-2018; pre-conception human genetics)
Good Start Genetics Cambridge 2009 (2009-2010; Molecular Diagnostics)
Genos San Francisco, 2016 (2016-2017; Personal Genomics)
Logic.Ink San Francisco CA 2015 (2015-present; Data collecting temporary tattoos)
Knome, Inc. [then Tute, then PierianDx] Cambridge MA 2007 (2007-2015,F; Human Genome Sequencing)
Med Data Quest [MDQ] San Diego CA 2015 (2015-2018; Clinical genomics)
NextGenJane 2016 (2018-present; endometrial diagnostics)
NuProbe Cambridge MA 2018 (2017-present; Toehold tech)
Orbit Genomics Boulder CO 2016 (2017-present; precision medicine and DNA repeats)
Pathway Genomics San Diego CA 2008 (2013-present; Personal Genomics)
Prime Discoveries New York NY 2019 (2019-present; Rapid COVID-19 Panels for Laboratories)
ReadCoor [then 10X Genomics] Boston MA 2014 (2014-2020,F; In situ Sequencing)
Shield Dx San Jose, CA 2018 (2018-present; Infectious disease diagnostics)
SmartSkinBiome San Francisco, CA 2018 (2018-present; skin microbes)
Ontera Inc. (Twoporeguys) Santa Cruz CA 2016 (2016-present; nanopore diagnostics)
Veritas Genetics [then LetsGetChecked] Danvers MA 2015 (2015-2022-present,F; Clinical Genomics)
23andme Mountain View CA 2006 (2006-present; personal genomics)
Recent changes Guilford, CT 2024 (2024-present; diagnostics)
Fuze Bio Boston MA 2024 (2024-present; biomembrane fusion)
GhostFire 2024 (2024-present,F; plants) Guilford, CT 2015 (2024-present; AI retinal diagnostics)
Nurture Genomics Cambridge, MA 2022 (2023-present; Rare disease Genomic screening)
Omega Therapeutics Cambridge, MA 2023 (2023-present; diagnostics)
Peak6 Chicago, IL 1997 (2021-present; technology investment)
Protein Evolution Guilford, CT 2024 (2024-present; decarbonizing plastic production)
Computational, Nucleic Acid Memory, Brain Computer interfaces (BCI)
7-TM Protocol Boston MA 2018 (2019-present,F; digital registry/investment)
Cache DNA LLC Boston MA 2020 (2020-present,F; DNA storage)
Cellgorithmics Chicago IL 2019 (2019-present,F; CRISPR bio-coding)
Cytosurge Zurich 2016 (2020-present,F; Fluid Force Microscopy)
Centrillion, Palo Alto CA 2009 (2017-present; DNA synthesis)
DNA-Romance, Vancouver BC 2014 (2024-present; Dating app for couples, HLA & other DNA analyses)
S'more-Tawkify, New York NY 2019 (2019-present; anti-superficial Dating / matchmaking)
Digid8, Cambridge MA 2019 (2019-present,F; Dating app for couples, wellness, infectious & inherited diseases)
Arrived-AI, Cambridge MA 2019 (2019-present,F; Brand virality; AI augmentated)
Iridia San Diego CA 2017 (2018-present; DNA data storage)
Kern Boston MA 2017 (2017-present,F; previously Glotta, DNA synthesis)
Nabla Bio Cambridge MA 2020 (2020-present; protein design via machine learning)
Nebula Genomics [then ProPhase Labs] Boston MA 2018 (2018-2021-present,F; Blockchain, Homomorphic Encryption, Genome Sequencing) Cambridge MA 2017 (2017-present; Machine Learning)
Optra Health San Jose, CA 2015 (2018-present; Digital HealthCare)
Plex Research Cambridge MA 2018 (2018-present; Search engines for drug discovery))
Shivom London UK 2019 (2019-present; medical data sharing)
SolveBio New York NY 2012 (2016-present; Computational genomics)
Technicolor SA Issy-les-Moulineaux, France 1914 (2012-present; Nucleic Acid Memory)
Synthetic Biology
4Bionics-Homodeus Guilford CT 2019 (2019-present; integrase engineering & Covid diagnostics)
64-x Boston MA 2017 (2017-present,F; Virus resistant cells)
7Tx, Boston MA 2019 (2019-2019; deimmunizing)
AanikaBio Brooklyn NY 2019 (2019-present; formerly Carverr, supply chain tracking)
Avammune Philadelphia PA 2017 (2019-present; ENPP1 inhibitors, STING pathway)
CellinoBiotech Cambridge MA 2017 (2017-present; ex vivo protein therapeutic delivery)
Cobalt Biomedicine VL39 Boston MA 2018 (2018-present; Sana therapeutics)
EnEvolv-Zymergen Cambridge MA 2011 (2011-present,F; genome engineering)
GC-Tx Cambridge MA 2020 (2020-present; Cell therapies, testing Tx)
Enzymatics Beverly MA 2006 (2006-2015; Qiagen Large-scale, high quality enzymes)
FrontierBio San Francisco CA 2018 (2018-present; 3D bioprinting)
Frontera Tx Boston MA 2020 (2020-present; AAV)
Gen9 Cambridge MA 2009 (2009-2017,F; Ginkgo Bioworks, Synthetic Biology)
Genomatica San Diego CA 2001 (2001-2016; microbial metabolic models)
Genome Compiler Corp San Francisco CA 2011 (2011-present; Twist, Genome CAD)
Genscript Piscataway, NJ 2020 (2018-present; genome-scale editing/synthesis/recoding)
GP-Write: Boston/NYC 2018 (2018-present; genome-scale editing/synthesis/recoding)
GROBiosciences Cambridge, MA 2016 (2016-present,F; expanded genetic code)
Inari Medford MA 2016 (2016-present,F; agriculture)
INanoBio Tempe AZ 2007 (2017-present; Sensors & sequencing)
Marble Therapeutics [MRBL] Cambridge MA 2020 (2020-present; skin gene delivery)
Memphis Meats [now Upside] New York NY 2015 (2016-present; tissue culture foods)
New England Biolabs Beverly MA 1974 (2015-2016; ribsomes, nucleases)
Nuclera Nucleics Cambridge UK 2014 (2017-present; DNA synthesis)
Omega Therapeutics Cambridge MA 2016 (2018-present; epigenetic medicine)
Petri Bio Cambridge MA 2019 (2019-present; Biotech accelerator)
Regenesis Institute Shenzhen 2017 (2017-2022; recoding and DNA-storage) Venice, CA 2018 (2018-present; microbiome)
Synthego Redwood City CA 2016 (2017-present; RNA synthesis)
SIAT genome engineering and therapy research center Shenzhen 2019 (2019-2023; mammalian genome recoding)
Tierra Biosciences [previously Synvitrobio] San Francisco CA (2015-present,F; In vitro proten synthesis)
The ODIN, Castro Valley CA 2013 (2016-present; Consumer SynBio)
Stem Cells & Therapeutics
AbVitro [then Juno-Celgene] Boston MA 2010 (2010-2018,F; Immunomes)
Adaptive Phage Therapeutics Gaithersburg, MD 2016 (2018-present; phage therapies)
Ally Tx, Cambrige MA 2019 (2019-2020,F; AAV & innate immunity.)
Alphazyme, Jupiter, FL 2019 (2019-present; Enzymes)
Artemys San Leandro CA 2019 (2019-present; Lab cultivated meat)
BioViva Seattle WA 2015 (2015-present; anti-aging gene therapies)
Caribou Biosciences Berkeley CA 2012 (2013-present; Cas9 tools) & Intellia 2014
Celemics Korea 2011 (2011-present; Genome engineering.)
Dyno Tx Cambrige MA 2018 (2018-present,F; AAV engineering.)
Editas Cambridge MA 2013 (2013-present,F; Cas9 gene therapy)
Egenesis Bio Boston MA 2013 (2013-present,F; Cas9 non-human applications)
Elysium Health New York, NY 2014 (2015-present; Aging & genomic nutritional supplements)
Fitbiomics Boston MA 2015 (2015-present,F; Wellness & probiotics)
GenEdit Berkeley CA 2015 (2016-present; CRISPR delivery)
Genexgen 2022 (2022-present; automimmunity)
HelixNano Cambridge MA 2013 (2016-present; non-viral gene delivery)
Holobiome Boston MA 2016 (2017-present; Brain-gut microbiome therapies)
Ivy Natal San Francisco CA 2019 (2020-present; skin derived gametes)
JethroPharma Boston MA 2019 (2019-present; Clinical translation)
JuraBio Boston MA 2017 (2017-present,F; CAR-T for autoimmunity)
ManifoldBio Cambridge MA 2020 (2020-present,F; peptide barcodes for drug design/testing)
Nephrogen Beverly MA 2020 (2020-present; Tx for kidney dieases)
NeubaseTx Pittsburgh, PA, 2019 (2019-present; PNA Antisense Therapeutics)
Onconetics, Mill Valley CA, 2016 (2019-2023; Gene Therapies)
Peptilogics Pittsburgh, PA 2019 (2019-present; Engineered Cationic Antibiotic Peptides)
Transposagen Lexington KY 2003 (2014-present; Poseida Therapeutics, Hera Testing; Mammalian genome engineering)
Qihan Biotech Hangzhou, China 2018 (2018-present,F; pig genome engineering)
Recombinetics St. Paul, MN 2008 (2016-2019; animal genome engineering)
Rejuvenatebio Boston MA 2015 (2015-present,F; aging-reversal gene therapies)
SeresHealth Cambridge MA 2012 (2012-2016; microbiome therapeutics)
Shape Therapeutics Tumwater WA 2018 (2018-present; RNA therapies)
Single Cell Technology San Jose CA 2013 (2013-present; Therapeutic antibodies)
Skinome Santa Clara CA 2016 (2016-present; personalized skin care)
SNIPR Biome LTD Cambridge UK 2017 (2017-present; CRISPR + phage )
Syenex Evanston IL 2022 (2022-present; extracellular vesicle terapeutics)
Tenza Cambridge MA 2020 (2020-present,F; Biologics delivery)
Tessera Therapeutics Cambridge MA (2020-present; gene writing)
Thymmune Therapeutics Cambridge MA 2020 (2020-present; immune system)
Tomorrow.Life Pittsburgh PA 2020 (2020-present; Filmmaking)
Yizhen Biological Technology, Hangzhou China 2017 (2017-2017; Genetic disease risk)
Zhejiang University Hangzhou China (2017-present; Cell therapies)
Verge San Francisco CA 2015 (2015-present; Neurotherapeutics)
Volta Labs Cambridge MA 2018 (2018-present; bio-automation)
Warp Drive Biosynthetics Boston MA 2011 (2011-2018,F; now Revolution Medicines, Natural product therapeutics)
Celestial Tx Irvine CA 2021 (2021-present; lipid, mRNA Tx, vaccines)
Neurona Health Roseville CA 2021 (2021-present; Autism Dx PRS)
Outsized Ventures London 2021 (2021-present; Biotech Investments)
G42 Abu Dhabi UAE 2021 (2021-present; Human genomics)
ArgenTAG Rosario Argentina 2021 (2021-present; Long-read sequencing )
HeadsUP Inc. 2021 (2021-present;xx)
Peak6 Chicago IL 2021 (2021-present; Investment) London 2021 (2021-present; health data)
Inzen Tx Cambridge MA 2021 (2021-present; Thanokines)
CellOrigin Hangzhou 2021 (2021-present; CAR-Macrophage)
Attivare Tx Natick MA 2021 (2021-present; biomaterial vaccines)
EternaDNA Singapore 2021 (2021-present; DTC epigenetic testing)
ExtRNA,AminoX Boston MA 2023 (2023-present,F; Novel amino acids)
Episteme Boston & SF 2023 (2023-present; Young Researchers)
Genera.Bio [Replay.Bio] San Diego 2023 (2023-present; Large DNA Synthesis)
Genorasis Seattle 2023 (2023-present; Eye gene therapies)
Oxford Cryotechnology Oxford UK 2023 (2023-present; Cryo-preservation)
Regula Bio Boston 2023 (2023-present,F; Age reversal)
Breaking (Samri) Boston 2023 (2023-present,F; Plastic metabolism)
Unravel Biosciences Boston 2023 (2023-present; rapid prototyping Tx for complex disorders)
Bronic London 2023 (2023-present; everyday biotech)
Treatus Boston MA 2023 (2023-present; Healthcare delivery)
Enhanced Games Ltd Kensington UK 2023 (2023-present; safer sports)
Copernicus Space Corp. Boston MA 2023 (2023-present; gram-scale space probes)
Bifrost Boston MA 2022 (2022-present; monitoring growing cells)
Brotman Baty Institute Seattle 2017 (2019-present; genomics tech)
LalTal Lafayette CA 2020 (2022-2023; communication)
Convergent Research_E11 Cambridge MA 2021 (2021-present; Focused Research Orgs (FRO))
IXbio Boston 2018 (2018-present; bio tools)
Homeworld Bio Somerville, San Francisco 2023 (2023-present; climate solutions)
Latch-Bio San Francisco 2023 (2023-present; comp-Bio pipelines)
Longevity Vision Fund NYC 2019 (2020-present; aging reversal)
Catalio Capital Management NYC 2023 (2023-present; Biotecnology)
Pershing Square Foundation NYC 2006 (2023-present; support for early career scientists)
Menlo Ventures Management Menlo Park CA 1976 (2023-present; Biotechnology)
NerdBio San Diego 2018 (2022-present; cell target engagement)
Opus Therapeutics 2021 (2022-present; prenatal gene editing)
Poseida Therapeutics San Diego 2014 (2014-present; Cell & gene therapies) Boston 2020 (2020-present; nasal vaccines)
10X genomics Pleasanton CA 2012 (2020-present; spatial omics)
AgeMeter Las Vegas NV 2010 (2010-present; physiological metrics)
Aikium Berkeley CA 2022 (2023-present; targeting GPCRs)
BioLoomics Boulder CO 2023 (2023-present; Targeted antibody Tx)
JumbleTx Boston 2023 (2023-present; Tx)
Boutique Venture Partners Palo Alto 2020 (2022-present;)
Camden Partners Owings Mills MD (2023-present; biotech)
Androcyte LLC Aventura FL 2013 (2013-present; Aging Reversal)
Cultivarium Watertown MA 2020 (2020-present; accessing novel microbes)
Curii Somerville MA 2020 (2020-present; Computational genomics, cloud, AI)
DeSci Foundation NYC 2014 (2022-present; Decentralized Science)
EnPlus One Watertown MA 2020 (2020-present; RNA modification chemistry)
Axcella Littleton MA 2008 (2008-present; metabolic modulators)
Gametogen NYC 2020 (2020-present; in vitro ovarian cells)
Acuity Newton MA 2021 (2021-2022,F; spatial genomics, chromosomes)
Ginkgo, Boston 2008 (2017-present; Synthetic Biology. See: Gen9, Zymergen, WarpdriveBio, Joule, Patch, FormBio)
Hera Testing Laboratories Lexington KY 2014 (2014-present; Gene editing cells & animals) Inc. Boston 2020 (2020 -present; watch-based age-related apps)
Inst for Protein Design [IPD] Seattle 2012 (2015-present; De novo proteins) Rejuvenation & Regenerative Medicine Industry Trade Show Wellington, FL 2023 (2023-2024; Meetings)
Dior Science, Paris 2000 (2019-present; Aging reversal)
PearlBio Cambridge MA 2021 (2022-present; Novel amino acids)
Pupil Bio, Houston TX 2022 (2023-present; autoimmune T1 diabetes)
STOC Spatial Temporal Omics Consortium, Singapore 2022 (2023-present; STOC)
Xpose Therapeutics San Francisco 2019 (2023-present; DNA damage response Tx)
Ageless Sciences Inc [NovosLabs] New York NY 2021 (2021-present; nutrional supplements)
AuraVax Therapeutics Inc Houston TX 2021 (2021-present; intranasal vaccination)
Bione Ventures Limited Nallurhalli, Bengaluru,
Karnataka, India 2021 (2021-present; genome + microbiome)
Epinoma Inc. San Carlos CA 2021 (2021-present; epigenetic early-stage cancer detection)
Harton Tx Cambridge MA 2021 (2021-present; immune medicine)
Integra-Tx Barcelona Spain 2021 (2021-present; gene writing)
Kanvas Biosciences Inc. Princeton NJ 2021 (2021-present; multiplexed microbial imaging)
Matter Bio New York NY 2021 (2021-present; Aging & somatic mutation based diseases)
Pattern Computer Friday Harbor, WA 2021 (2021-present; advanced AI)
ProPhase Labs [see Nebula, Garden City, NY 2021 (2021-present; DTC genomics)
Viome Bellevue, WA 2021 (2021-present; pro- + pre- biotics)[then Ginkgo], New York NY 2021 (2021-present; machine-designed DNA for gene therapy)
Biophysical Therapeutics Wilmington DE 2022 (2022-present; Aging and reducing metabolic heat)
AdoraPet BioSciences Alameda CA 2022 (2022-present,F; non-allergenic pets)
Regenerative Bio Boston, Hangzhou 2021 (2021-present; anti-aging, AI, cloud computing)
GenexGen Belvedere Tiburon CA 2021 (2022-present,F; Novel immunosuppressives, inflammation, GeneTx)
Menlo Ventures Management San Francisco CA 1976 (2022-present; Life sciences technologies)
FormBio Austin TX 2022 (2022-present,F; Computational SynBio)
Colossal Bio Austin, Dallas, Boston 2021 (2021-present,F; Molecular biology for endangered species)
Nurfy Brooklyn, NY 2024 (2024-present; home microbiology)
Connectomes Inc. Berkeley CA 2024 (2024-present,F; synthetic neuro-connectomes)
Aptah Bio Inc San Carlos CA 2024 (2024-present; RNA splicing drugs)
Dart Biosciences London 2024 (2024-present; T-cell gene Tx) Berkeley CA 2024 (2024-present; Long DNA sequencing reads)
Gnubiotics Sciences SA Switzerland 2024 (2024-present; glycans)
TransposonRx San Diego CA 2024 (2024-present; Inhibiting human transposons)
Publishing and non-profit funding:
Altruistic Technology Labs Berkeley, CA 2019 (2019-present; global risk diagnostics, synbio attribution)
Arc Boston MA 2014 (2014-present; Biomed + IT fusion)
Advancement Initiative for Medicine and Science, AIMS Boston MA 2006 (2018-present; medical education)
Applied Biotech Lab London UK 2020 (2020-present; Biotech)
Berggruen Institute Los Angeles CA 2014 (2017-present; Global dialog) Boston MA 2009 (2009-2010,F; DIYbio)
Centre for Study of Existential Risk [CSER] Cambridge UK 2013 (2013-2020; Risk)
Epstein Foundation St. Thomas, VI 2000 (2005-2007; cutting edge science & education)
Edge Foundation, NYC 1988 (2005-present; science communication)
Future of Life Institute [FLI] Cambridge MA 2014 (2014-present; technology risk management)
Genspace Brooklyn NY 2009 (2011-2017; DIY Bio)
Institute for Protein Innovation [IPI] Boston MA 2017 (2018-present; antibodies)
Lawrence Ellison Foundation Walnut Creek CA (2008-2013; Aging reversal)
Life Extension Advocacy Foundation [LEAF] Seaford, NY 2015 (2015-present; aging)
Lipper Family Charitable Foundation NJ 1996 (1996-2018; computational biology, organoids and neurobiology)
United Therapeutics [Martine Rothblatt], Silver Spring MD 1996 (2018-2019; Lung biology and organoids)
MindFirst Foundation Boston MA 2014 (2014-present,F; mental illnesses)
Nature Publishing Group [NPG], London UK 1869 (2005-present; senior editor, MSB)
Open Humans Boston MA 2016 (2016-2018,F; open-access human bio-data)
Pleistocene Park Chersky Northeast Science Station, Chersky Russia 1996 (2018-present; Arctic Ecosystems) Alameda CA 2022 (2022-present; Scalable single-cell brain circuit mapping) Boston MA 2004 (2004-present,F; open-access genome & trait data) Toronto 2012 (2012-present,F; open-access genome & trait data) London 2013 (2013-present,F; open-access genome & trait data) Vienna 2014 (2014-present,F; open-access genome & trait data)
Korean Personal Genome Project Uslan 2015 (2014-present,F; open-access genome & trait data) Boston MA 2006 (2013-2019; personal genetics education)
Roman Oliynyk (2018-2019; Genome Project Write)
Rady Children's Institute for Genomic Medicine San Diego CA 2017 (2017-2019; Precision pediatrics)
SENS Research Foundation Mountain View, CA 2009 (2013-present; aging)
Station for Natural Studies CT, MA 1986 (1986-present,F; genetics)
Scientific American, NYC 1845 (2008-present; editorial advisor)
The CRISPR Journal, New Rochelle NY 2018 (2018-present; editorial advisor) Playa Vista CA 1996 (2005-2014; sequencing & energy)
Financial, Investment, Legal Consulting:
ACLU, Supreme Court, Association for Molecular Pathology v. Myriad Genetics (2009; DNA diagnostics)
Amrita GP LLC New York NY 2016 (2016-2019; biomedical investment)
Camden Nexus Baltimore, MD 2019 (2019-present; Biomedical Technologies)
Crestwood Advisors LLC, Boston MA 2003 (2009-present; Investing)
DeMatteo Monness LLC NYC 1997 (2011-2013; DNA Sequencing)
evalueSCIENCE, Zurich 2011 (2011-2013; Science and policy advising)
Flagship Ventures Cambridge MA 2000 (2000-present; genomics & informatics)
Georgarage LLC Delaware 2014 (2014-2015; tech & biotech)
Guidepoint Global NYC 2003 (2009-2013; Genomics technologies)
Gerson Lehrman Group [GLG], NYC
1998 (2007-2013; Genomics technologies)
Humanity 2019 (2019-present; Wellness)
US Supreme Court --Susman Godfrey LLP Amici Curiae Ebay & vs MercExchange LLC (2006; Intellectual Property)
Kendall Capital Partners Boston 2020 (2020-present; Biotech investment)
Companies licensing Church lab patents or software:
Agilent Technologies Palo Alto 1999 (2001-present; nucleic acid nanopore sensors)
Affymetrix [Affymax] Palo Alto CA 1993 (1990-2003; Oligonucleotide arrays)
Agencourt [then Beckman Coulter] Beverly MA 2000 (2003-2006; Polony bead sequencing by ligation)
Applied Biosystems Foster City CA 19
81 (2003-2006; via Agencourt, polony bead sequencing by ligation)
Astrego Dx Uppsala, Sweden 2017 (2017-present; Dx drug susceptibility)
Codon Devices [then Gen9] Cambridge MA 2005 (2005-2009,F; Constructive Biology)
Millipore Bedford, MA (1989-1990; multiplex sequencing) and 2009-2013 via EMD
Mosaic Technologies [then Apogent, Illumina] Boston MA 1994 (1993-94 & 2000-2001; DNA diagnostics)
Oxford NanoPore Technologies, Kidlington UK 2005 (2008-2009; single-molecule sequencing)
Pyrosequencing [also Biotage - 454], Stockholm 2000 (2001-2005; modified dNTPs for array sequencing)
Past Advisory roles:
Adeptient Los Altos CA 2000 (2001-2002; inkjet aerosols for drug delivery and array manufacture)
Alibaba DAMO Academy Hangzhou 2017 (2017-2020; DAMO)
Azco Biotech Oceanside CA 2003 (2009-2010; sequencing system)
Biogen Inc. Cambridge MA 1978 (1984-1985; genomic sequencing)
BeyondGenomics [then BGMedicine] Cambridge MA 2001 (2000-2004; biomarkers & systems biology)
Bionanomatrix Philadelphia PA 2008 (2009-2010; Fluorescent mapping)
Bruker Daltonics Billerica,MA 1960 (1993-1997; Mass-tags)
Biorad-Sadtler Philadelphia PA 1952, 1947 (1979-1981; DNA sequencing software)
Cambrian Genomics, San Francisco CA 2011 (2011-2014; nextgen DNA synthesis + synthesis)
Caliper Technologies [then PerkinElmer], Palo Alto CA 1995 (1994-2002; microfluidics)
Cellular Dynamics International [CDI then Fuji] Madison WI 2006 (2009-2016; Fujifilm, iPS stem cells)
Cellular Technology Limited [CTL] Cleveland OH 1998 (2019-present; cellular immune assays)
CodonCode Corp. Dedham MA
1996 (1996-2003); DNA sequencing software)
DNAdirect MEDCO San Francisco CA 2004 (2006-2010; DNA diagnostics)
Genizon Cantaloupe Quebec 2008 (2008-2010; In situ sequencing)
Genome Pharmaceuticals [see GPC Biotech, Alacris] Martinsried, Germany 1998 (1998-2003; genomics for drug targets)
EngeneOS [leading to: Epitome, CodonDevices, Gen9] Cambridge MA 2001 (2000-2005; Engineered Genetic Operating Systems)
Essentient Cambridge MA 2011 (2011-2013; global nutrition)
First Genetic Trust Chicago,IL 2001 (2001-2002; personal genetic information access)
FamilyGenetix Oxford, UK (2000-2001; Genetic patient history software & services)
Gamera [then Tecan LabCD] Medford MA 1995 (1998-2000; microfluidics)
Genomera San Francisco 2010 (2010-2014; Crowd-sourced Health Insight)
Genome Therapeutics [Oscient & Agencourt, previously Collaborative Research Inc.] Waltham MA 1961 (1984-1994; microbial genomes)
GenProfile AG Berlin, Germany 1998 (1997-2001; multiplex haplotyping)
GreenFuel Technologies Corp. Cambridge MA 2004 (2005-2006; Photosynthetic CO2 emissions capture)
Halcyon Molecular Redwood City CA 2009 (2009-2012; Mbp read-length EM sequencing)
Helicos Biosciences Corp Cambridge MA 2004 (2003-2012; Single-molecule DNA sequencing)
HySeq Chicago 1993 (1993-1993; Sequencing by Hybridization)
Joule Unlimited (then Redrock) Cambridge MA 2007 (2007-2015,F; SolarFuels)
LS9 San Francisco CA 2005 (2006-2014,F; then REG Inc., Biologically engineered fuels)
Longenity Inc.; Boston MA 2001 (2001-2005; human aging)
NEB Beverly MA 1975 (2009-2010; protein synthesis)
Pacific Biosciences Menlo Park CA 2004 (2008-2013; real-time single-molecule sequencing)
Pathogenica [then BioInnovation Solutions] Cambridge MA 2010 (2010-2014,F; Pathogencity and Drug resistance diagnostics)
PharmoRx Wellesley MA 2005 (2005-2013; secure medication)
Pronutria Cambridge, MA 2011 (2011-2016; Axcella, nutritional synbio)
Qteros [formerly SunEthanol], Amherst MA 2007 (2007-2011; Biofuels)
Receptor Biologix [then Symphogen] San Francisco CA 2003 (2004-2007; alternative splicing)
Sangamo [Gendaq], Richmond CA 1995 (2000-2002; Zn-finger engineering)
Searna Boston MA 2015 (2015-2019; DNA enrichment diagnostics)
Sigma-Aldrich St. Louis 1934 (2009-2015; EMD, chemistry, cells, Board of Directors)
Telome Boston MA 2010 (2010-2014,F; Telomeres and aging)
uBiome San Francisco CA 2012 (2016-2019; microbiome measures)
Xeotron [then Invitrogen, Atactic ] Houston TX 2000 (2001-2004; Light-directed DNA/RNA-microarray synthesis)
Corporate & non-profit research sponsors & collaborators not listed above:
Autodesk, Mill Valley CA 1982 (2012-2017; caDNano & personal genomics)
Aventis [Rhone-Poulenc Rorer &
Hoechst Marion Roussel Paris, Frankfurt], Collegeville PA 1990 (1998-2001; computational functional genomics)
BASF grant on metabolic engineering.
CP Foods grant on viral resistant animals
Hamilton Company Reno NV 1957 (1986-1990;
multisample handing syringes).
Intelligent Automation [then IBS] Cambridge MA 1990 (1992-1996; multipin array oligo synthesizer).
Life Sciences Research Foundation Monsanto Postdoctoral Fellowship San Francisco CA 1984 (1985-1986).
Lilly Indianapolis IN, 1876 (1998-1998; bioinformatics)
Merck KGaA [EMD] Darmstadt 1688 (2009-2012; protein synthesis)
MJ Research Inc. Waltham MA 1987 (1986-1995; Pulsed Electrophoresis & PCR)
New England Nuclear [then NEN, Dupont/PerkinElmer] Boston MA 1956 (1982-1984; nylon membranes)
Polytech Products. Somerville MA 1982 (1982-1988; Sequencing electrotransfer devices)
Investors in Church Lab Startup Newcos (see also)
Alexandria Venture Editas, EGenesis, Seres
Andreessen Horowitz(a16z) DynoTx, GCTx
ARCH Venture Partners Arivale, EGenesis, Juno, Twist, Nebula
Biomatics Capital, Boris Nikolic Editas, EGenesis, Twist
Casdin Capital 23andme, DynoTx, Editas
Companion Fund RejuvenateBio
CRV DynoTx
Cultivian Sandbox Ventures EnEvolv
Deerfield Editas, PacBio
Decheng Capital ReadCoor
DFJ Gen9
Digitalis Ventures GRObio, Rejuvenate
EcoR1 Capital Editas, Intellia
Flagship Pioneering (FSV, AGCT) BeyondGenomics, CodonDevices, Essentient, Helicos, LS9, Joule, Pronutria, Seres, Editas
Fidelity Management and Research Company Editas, Intellia, Twist
F-Prime Capital Partners Nebula
Fenbushi Capital Nebula
Fifty Years HelixNano, Memphis Meats, TierraBio, 64-x
Google Ventures 23andme, DynoTx, Editas
Great Point Ventures Nebula
Greylock Partners WarpDriveBio
Hansjörg Wyss ReadCoor
Heartbeat Labs Nebula
Hemi Ventures Nebula
Heritage Provider Network GRObio
Hikma Ventures Nebula
Innovation Endeavors GRObio
Jennison Associates Editas
KDT Ventures DynoTx, RejuvenateBio
Khosla Ventures CodonDevices, EGenesis, LS9, Nebula
Lilly Asia Ventures ReadCoor, VeritasGenetics
Lux Capital DynoTx
Mayfield Nebula
Mirae Asset Nebula
Omega Funds Editas
OS Fund GRObio
Partners Innovation Fund Editas
Pillar Companies GRObio Manifold
Polaris Partners Arivale, Editas, DynoTx
Rising Tide GRObio
T. Rowe Price Editas, PacBio
Sahsen DynoTx
Third Rock Ventures WarpDrive, Editas
Trustbridge Partners VeritasGenetics
Uprising EGenesis
VCapital RejuvenateBio
Viking Global Investors Editas, Ginkgo
Vivo Capital ReadCoor
Windham Venture Partners Nebula
Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati GRObio
Y-combinator 64-x, Xgenomes
Animal Capital
Animoca Brands
At One Ventures
Breyer Capital
Boost VC
Climate Capital
Draper Associates
Global Space Ventures (GSV)
Hemsworth brothers
In-Q-Tel (IQT)
JAZZ Venture Partners
Robert Nelsen (ARCH Venture Partners)
Paris Hilton
Thomas Tull (Tulco)
Untamed Planet
Winklevoss Capital
Consulting and/or seminar (for companies not listed above)
Archer Daniels Midland
Blueprint Medicines
Casdin Capital
Cray Computer
Founders Fund
Le Laboratoire
Millennium Pharmaceuticals (now Takeda Oncology)
MPM Capital
Seven Bridges
Vertex Pharmaceuticals
See also support for:,,
Sponsors for our GET conferences
Next Gen Sequencing Overview (2014)
Bloomberg Businessweek List of Connections
Updated 21-Feb-02025 by GMC.