The Lam Files
BioFlow 3000 Fermentor
Autoclaving, preparing vessel, notes
PrimerStation 960
PS960 Instructions
Oligo quality assessment by gel
PCRs for spotting
    J. S. Edwards - E.coli ORF fragments for microarrays
Table of ORFs and positioning on 96 well plate
Sequence files for the PS960
(ready for conversion by
Group File Viewer
Microsoft Excel file mapping 96 well plates to 384 well plates (with VBA macro):
(option-click:Mac, right-click:PC to download)
Micromirror Oligo Array
Project Overview, Data, Notes
Lab Stuff
Protocol for preparing pKO3/pKOV
Compiled list of duties for lab technician/manager
Church Lab FAQ (in development, never finished)
Church Lab ordering page, and links to table of Church lab orders
Changing names on ordering page
Lab manager/technician:
How to input orders to Genetics office FileMaker Pro database
Lab members:
How to check on orders (read-only access to Genetics office FileMaker Pro database)
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